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At Prestwood Village Schools we follow the mastery approach to teaching mathematics through the use of White Rose Maths.

The INTENT of our Maths curriculum is to Ignite the SPARK and ensure all children develop their mathematical skills to provide them with a foundation for understanding the world and develop their ability to reason mathematically!

It is our aim in Maths that all children:
  • Feel SUPPORTED through the use of concrete materials and pictorial strategies in grasping mathematically concepts
  • Have a sense of PRIDE when exploring the beauty and power of mathematics
  • ACHIEVE by demonstrating a secure understanding in key areas of mathematics such as number and shape  
  •  Demonstrate RESPECT for different approaches when problem solving
  • Show KINDNESS and persevere when solving more challenging mathematical problems



We implement our approach through high quality teaching, delivering appropriately challenging work for all individuals. We use the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract model to enable children to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts:


Concrete – children have the opportunity to use concrete objects to help them understand and explain what they are doing.

Pictorial – children then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations, which can then be used to reason and solve problems.

Abstract – with the foundations firmly laid, children can move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence.


We also recognise the importance of secure mental maths strategies alongside formal written methods in order to provide a sound basis for calculation. Children are provided with regular opportunities to use and apply mathematical skills in practical problem-solving situations within real and meaningful contexts. By offering a wide range of mathematical challenges across all ability ranges, we are able to ensure that every child is challenged to extend their knowledge and skills. Where possible, children have the opportunity to use and apply mathematics across the curriculum.


We follow the 'White Rose' maths Mastery programme and children are taught daily in mixed ability class groups. We encourage an atmosphere where mistakes are valued; growth mindset is seen as part of the learning and everyone is challenged. Our aim is to develop deep learners with the ability to explain and articulate their maths knowledge.


To ensure that all children are engaging in learning experiences that meet these expectations we monitor progress carefully. In addition to continuous Assessment for Learning opportunities, including verbal feedback in lessons to immediately address any misconceptions and rapidly move children on, children are formally assessed termly using PiXL assessments. We also believe that pupil voice is a useful tool for assessment; we ask children questions about their learning in order to assess and improve their learning experiences.




As a result of maths teaching at Prestwood Village Schools, our pupils:


· enjoy and are engaged in lessons;

· take an active role in their learning;

· demonstrate resilience when attempting to solve problems, and are able to choose the equipment and strategies they think are best suited to each problem;

· develop skills in being able to reason verbally, pictorially and in written form;

· are confident talking about maths using appropriate mathematical vocabulary;

· can recognise relationships and make connections in maths lessons;

· demonstrate mastery of mathematical concepts or skills through independently applying concepts to new problems in unfamiliar situations;

· achieve high outcomes in maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

