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School Meals

At Prestwood Village Schools we offer hot lunches to all children which are served in our school halls. If you would like more information on our lunch provision, please follow the links below.

Meal Provider – AiP

Our new school meal provider is here!

From September school meals at Prestwood Village Schools will be provided by Alliance in Partnership, AiP.

School Food United Meal Booking System

You will be able to order food via the School Food United app or website.

Parents are responsible for booking school meals for their child/ren, even those who are entitled to free school meals. Meals must be booked by 9.00pm the night before. 

Please click on the link below to register your child:

School Food United

If you have any problems accessing your account, please let the school offices know.

If you think you are eligible for free school meals please fill in this form or come to the office.

Free School Meal Application Form eform Link


My child is in Reception, year 1 or year 2 and automatically receives Universal Infant Free School Meals, do I still need to complete this form?

Yes! Pupil Premium is only paid to a school if the parent registers using this form and is receiving one of the qualifying benefits listed. Even though your child automatically receives free meals at school completing this application form may entitle your school to Pupil Premium funding. 

Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils.


Nature of Support that could be provided:

  1. Additional support; including class-based or specific intervention work to accelerate the progress of targeted groups or individuals.
  2. Learning Support to enable children to fully access learning and accelerate progress where there are specific barriers other than identified Special Educational Learning Needs.
  3. Pastoral work which undertakes work to raise self-esteem, extend their personal skill set, improve attendance and punctuality and support children to make appropriate choices in order to maximise learning opportunities.
  4. Out of Hours and curriculum enrichment to ensure that children are given opportunities to access the full curriculum, develop other talents in sport and creativity and also improve self confidence and motivation for school.


If you are eligible for Free School Meals the school will receive an extra:

  • £1345 per child of government funding if your child attends Primary school

Government funding is provided even if your child does not want the meal. Government funding will be used to help children from lower-income families do their very best at school.

If your child gets Free School Meals, you may be able to claim other forms of help, for example, help with home to school transport.


Why should I apply?

You and your school could benefit from Pupil Premium funding worth £955 - £1345 per pupil.  As well as this, if your child is in year 3 or above this form is also used to apply for Free School Meals and could save you hundreds of pounds a year.