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School Vision & Values

Following consultation with parents, staff, pupils and governors and looking at the characteristics that both define Prestwood Village Schools as well as being the driving factors in preparing children for the future, we have a new vision and values statement. 

These characteristics will underpin our teaching and will support the pupils in their learning throughout their time here at Prestwood.

Ignite the S.P.A.R.K.

Mission Statement

The school mission statement sets out our hopes and aims for the children.  It outlines and directs our actions and will be used by the governing body to ensure strategic decisions are aligned with our desire for improvement. 

Every child will be happy and feel safe, enabling them to make outstanding progress socially, emotionally and academically – developing the confidence and self-belief to thrive in the world beyond Prestwood.

The wording is very deliberate; our core aims are for the children to be happy and safe, which is why this is the opening statement.  This is followed by our desire to enable the children to excel socially and emotionally, providing them with the secure foundations upon which academic excellence can be pursued.  Finally, we want the children to have the confidence to ‘dream big’ and the resilience to overcome adversities and barriers, enabling these dreams to be realised.